Friday, August 23, 2013

Gnarly Guinness Shepherd's Pie

This one I started out with 2 steaks slow cooking in brown gravy for 8 hours....I know that's a lot of fore thought and work (Not necessary, but worth it)

I browned 1 POUND GROUND BEEF (set aside and let cool)
1 back frozen peas and carrots (thawed)
1 packet brown gravy
5 russet potatoes peeled and chopped (to make mashed potatoes)
1 bag shredded cheddar cheese
1 large onion
1 big boy beer EXTRA STOUT Guinness (you'll need a little more than half for the dish, and the rest for the cook)
LARGE DEEP baking dish.

Brown your ground beef, add chopped onion and cook till tender. (set this aside and let it cool)
Make your gravy-follow package instructions, once prepared add to ground beef/onion mixture in pan.
ADD: Salt & Pepper and anything else for spice that you like. I added garlic & red pepper. Next add Guinness to this and let simmer until thick. Add the Guinness in slowly to make sure you don't make it too liquidy (yes it's a new word)

Next start your mashed potatoes.
Peel, chop, plop (into boiling water till soft)
MASH  do the moooonsta mash... ok no just mash the taters.(add in about a 1/2 cup milk and a few tablespoons of butter to help it get creamy)

Get you baking dish....LARGE/DEEP...Rachael Rays casserole dish is PERFECT for this dish.

Add in the meat, gravy, Guinness mixture of heavenly yumminess!
Add the bag o' frozen (now thawed) veggies.
Now top with mashed potatoes

Bake at 375 for 20-25 min

Take out and add cheddar cheese mixture to the top

bake an addition 10-15...until cheese is bubbly, gnarly, and oozing love.


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