Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

This is such a great side dish to any meal. I made this one in the picture at Christmas time (it looks like a wreath) So cute!
Here is what you need:

2 bushel of asparagus
1 package of prosciutto
2 cups Parmesan
1 red onion

Pre heat oven to 350

Cut the "woody" portion of your asparagus off, or let it snap naturally as you bend it.
Wash your asparagus and let dry on paper towel.

Thinly slice your red onion
*cut onion in half then slice 1 half of the onion thinly (they will look like red onion crescent moons)

Next lay out you prosciutto onto a cookie sheet.
Lay about 4-6 asparagus per prosciutto slice onto the prosciutto. (OR just evenly adjust your amount so that each roll up has an even amount.

Next to the asparagus lay 3-4 slices of red onion.

Roll these babies up!

Place in oven for about 15-30 (turning once) min until done. You want the prosciutto to get a slight crisp to it.

When they come out sprinkle with as much or as little Parmesan as you like.

To make it a Christmas wreath place in a circle and add chopped tomatoes. This would be an awesome addition to spread around a turkey for presentation!

*** also for any left overs: chopped up and add to scrambled eggs or egg whites, so good!


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