Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Wreath (She's Craaaaaftay!)

Making a wreath is very easy and inexpensive. I spent $25 at Michaels to make this wreath. I still have left over materials. I bought a wreath there and all the trimmings. All you need is a glue gun, a bit of paint if you use a letter, and a bow maker if you want a fancy bow. The two owls were originally supposed to be ornaments that hang. Have fun!!!

Below is the before. Trimmings only at this point.

The bow below.

 A lil instagram final photo shoot ; )

Friday, September 6, 2013

Refrigerator Pickles

4 medium cucumbers ( or 6-8 Persian cucumbers) sliced very thin
2 teaspoons of salt
    Combine sliced cucumbers and salt and let set at room temp for 1 hour.
1/2 C rice vinegar
1/4 C sugar
1/4 teaspoon white pepper (or black)
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
1 teaspoon salt or less if desire

Refrigerate 3 hours before serving
Makes an excellent fresh cucumber salad
Will keep well in refrigerator and served as pickles

I add chopped red onions sometimes. It gives a nice additional flavor. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Purple Pickled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs:

6-8 eggs (large)
Medium pot
Vinegar (2 tablespoons)
Gently place eggs in pot
Fill with water until just covering the eggs.
Turn the burner onto high.
Drop in 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
Let the eggs boil until it's at a rolling boil for one 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Once at a boil TURN OFF HEAT, but leave pot on burner....COVER the pot with lid and leave it alone for 20 min.

Once 20 min is up drain pot, run over with cool water.
Get a large bowl (big enough for 8 eggs and some ice cubes and water.

Throw those eggs into the ice bath in the bowl. Place in fridge for at least 20-30 min. 

DRAIN....PEEL, set aside


3 cans of PICKLED BEETS, I like the sliced kind best.
DRAIN the liquid into a jar or tupperware you don't mind getting potentially stained. (I used an old pickle jar...seemed fitting. 

To the jar filled with pickled beet juice add:
 2 table spoons vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1tsp salt
A couple dashes of pickling spice
DROP your hard boiled eggs into that purple bath.

Like so........

Next you should let them soak for at least 4 hours min. They are best after 24 hours +. You can leave these for about a week and a half in a cold fridge.

They will look like this above, a nice deep purple is what you want. You can eat these babies just as they are with some salt.....
Make deviled eggs with them! Recipe to follow soon!